Web Design & Development

How To Draw Radar Charts In Web — Smashing Magazine

A radar chart — also commonly called a spider chart — is yet another way to visualize data and make connections. Radar charts are inherently

Web Design & Development

A Practical Guide To Designing For Children — Smashing Magazine

How to design for children aged 3–12, with insights into user behavior, considerations for parents, and practical UX guidelines. Children start interacting with the web

Web Design & Development

How Accessibility Standards Can Empower Better Chart Visual Design — Smashing Magazine

Accessibility for data visualization extends well beyond web standards, at least if you’re trying to create an experience that’s actually useful. For the past three

Web Design & Development

Mobile Accessibility Barriers For Assistive Technology Users — Smashing Magazine

Accessibility goes beyond making products user-friendly. It can significantly impact the quality of life for people with disabilities. Kate Kalcevich shares lessons she learned from

Web Design & Development

A Practical Guide To Designing For Colorblind People — Smashing Magazine

Color accessibility is more than just ticking boxes. Even with good contrast, some color palettes can make interfaces challenging for users. Here are some practical

Web Design & Development

Vanilla JavaScript, Libraries, And The Quest For Stateful DOM Rendering — Smashing Magazine

It’s well-established that the web faces wide-ranging usability and performance issues, from user-hostile UI patterns and twisted search results to sluggish performance and battery-draining bloat.

Web Design & Development

A Web Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit — Smashing Magazine

Digital designer Yichan Wang has put together this collection of strategies and selling points to help you encourage and advocate for accessibility in your place

Web Design & Development

Reporting Core Web Vitals With The Performance API — Smashing Magazine

The Performance API is a set of standards for measuring and evaluating performance metrics with JavaScript. Think of it as a box containing all of

Web Design & Development

Waiting For Spring (March 2024 Wallpapers Edition) — Smashing Magazine

Do you need a little inspiration boost? Well, then our new batch of desktop wallpapers is for you. Designed by artists and designers from across

Web Design & Development

Modern CSS Tooltips And Speech Bubbles (Part 1) — Smashing Magazine

Tooltips are a very common pattern used in CSS for years. There are a lot of ways to approach tooltips in CSS, though some evoke