Your experience with your product developers matters, because on it depends the success or failure of your software initiative.

Whether you have an internal product team, or a team leased through a software development company (local, offshore, or nearshore), your software product — and often your entire business relies on them to deliver on your vision or resolving your business problems using a software solution.

Here are the top red flags you should watch out for:

Red Flags in Choosing Software Dev team

1. They Say Yes to Everything:

Beware of developers who agree to do everything you ask for without a question. They might lack critical thinking and sincerity. They should be sharing impact analysis on your constant change in needs and requests.

2. They Lack Accountability:

Developers who don’t take responsibility for mistakes or miss deadlines can jeopardize your project. Accountability is key. Holding them accountable is critical.

3. They Use a Black Box Approach:

If they’re not transparent about dev processes or progress, it should be a major concern. Great development teams keep you informed and are engaging as an extension of your business.

4. They Are Never Available:

If they are not available during the hours of operations you have asked them to perform on a dedicated basis. They may not be entirely committed to your product development. They may be moonlighting on another project or not being sincere to you.

5. They Give No Access to Your Product Assets:

Ensure you retain access to your codebase, Jira and dev assets right from the start. Reliable developers ensure you have full control over your product assets.

Watch out for these red flags when working with developers and development providers, especially as they may be working on a remote basis and giving people freedom and empowerment to get the work done whenever and wherever.

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