Artificial Intelligence

Document Intelligence: The Next Big Thing in AI

With rapid advances in AI, it’s natural to be looking for the next “big thing.” But what if the next big thing in AI is

Artificial Intelligence

Critical areas for productivity gains with data and AI

AI is no longer a futuristic concept – it’s a mainstay in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. In the business world, AI is

Artificial Intelligence

Transforming cancer care with radiomics: The future depends on data sharing

A woman arrives at the emergency room with chest pain. She immediately receives an x-ray. While the radiologist looks at the image, her AI assistant

Artificial Intelligence

The 2025 reality for health and life sciences

Another promise of innovation and advancement? Not in 2025. The hype of market disruption and transformation might be the content that catches attention, but it’s

Artificial Intelligence

Inspiring takeaways from SAS Championship women’s leadership events

Inspiring messages, actionable ideas and shared experiences were not in short supply as successful leaders from every industry came together for this year’s women’s events at

Artificial Intelligence

Eat an ecosystem: feast on fermented foods

I’m all for a good 2-for-1 deal, so if there’s a food I can use as a condiment to jazz up eggs, salads, beans, grain

Artificial Intelligence

A plea for simple, easy-to-understand model cards

Model cards have been around for a few years now and while their purpose is clear – to increase machine learning transparency and to create

Artificial Intelligence

5 keys to creating effective model cards

We know that building trust in technology is a big deal. It’s no longer enough for AI to just work – we need to understand

Artificial Intelligence

Decisions and doom loops – AI for a better financial future

“More than $2.2 trillion in [commercial real estate]debt is maturing before 2028” according to the Wall Street Journal. This oncoming freight train commands the attention

Artificial Intelligence

Building a digital twin? Start with these 5 building blocks

Want to deploy digital twins as part of your predictive maintenance strategy? You should, for countless reasons that have been identified elsewhere. But like anything