Artificial Intelligence

Magnesium: the vital mineral you likely need more of

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant element in the human body. This mineral plays a crucial role in well over 300 enzymatic reactions in the

Artificial Intelligence

F(AI)lure is inevitable but learning is priceless

Failure accompanies all technological breakthroughs – the wheel, manned flight, the internet. AI is no exception. I know insurance companies are using AI – SAS

Artificial Intelligence

The future of insurance talent rests on AI

AI democratization has gained dizzying momentum, with technology laypeople having easy access to incredibly powerful tools. As of October 2024, Microsoft Copilot had an estimated

Artificial Intelligence

Modern governments will use AI for a smarter future workforce

The critical link between skills, AI and productivity Fifteen years ago, I would not have believed that my office would be phone-free or that meetings

Artificial Intelligence

Digital sovereignty: The new age of national defense

Building a digital fortress with modern data management In an era where stone walls and moats are relics of the past, the battleground has shifted

Artificial Intelligence

Working with synthetic data? Ask these 6 questions first

Synthetic data has emerged as a powerful tool for overcoming the limitations of real-world data. The future holds great promise for accelerated innovation. With synthetic

Artificial Intelligence

How generative AI can futureproof your workforce and build resilience

Major global elections, volatile financial markets, extreme weather events, and sophisticated and costly cyberattacks are increasing operational risks across every industry. Generative AI (GenAI) is

Artificial Intelligence

SAS Viya 4: Una nueva era para la analítica segura y escalable

En el mundo actual, donde los datos son el activo más valioso, la ciberseguridad se ha convertido en una prioridad absoluta para las organizaciones. Proteger

Artificial Intelligence

Kubernetes y OpenShift: La base del despliegue moderno de SAS Viya 4

La evolución tecnológica es imparable, y en el mundo de la analítica de datos, SAS ha liderado este cambio con SAS Viya 4. Esta plataforma

Artificial Intelligence

금융기관 모델 리스크 관리의 선진적 발전 방향

금융기관은 다양한 업무에 조직과 더불어 여러 시스템들이 갖춰져 있습니다. 그러한 시스템에는 수많은 프로그램과 모델(로직)들이 결합되어 업무 활용의 효율성과 신뢰성을 보완해주는 역할을 합니다. 특히나 AI 모델을